The Hecla Water Association, Inc. provides clean, safe drinking water to approximately 14,000 connections in the rural areas of Lawrence County, Ohio. Nearly 3 million gallons a day of treated drinking water is distributed through the 1,300 miles of water lines on the Hecla Water System.
This report is required by the EPA and contains the results of water quality tests performed during the prior year. The purpose of the report is to inform consumers about their drinking water.
View Water Quality Report
12.2.24 Rate Increase Notice
Pay your Hecla Water bill online. Click here to pay now
*Online payments are for water usage only. Deposits & other fees must be processed through the corporate office.
Look here for answers to your questions regarding your water service. Learn More...
Hecla Water Association’s leak adjustment policy is changing effective December 1, 2024. The following are qualifications for leak adjustments for the Hecla Water Association:
Hecla Water Association’s leak adjustment policy is changing effective December 1, 2024. The following are qualifications for leak adjustments for the Hecla Water Association:
Invoice Cloud is no longer our online payment processor. Effective immediately, our new online bill payment system is SmartBill Pay Works. If you were registered at Invoice Cloud, you will need to re-register on the new payment portal's website. The link to this website can be found at and click on the laptop icon which states, “Make your payments online”. This directs you to SmartBill Pay Works. Scroll down to the bottom left-hand side and click ‘Register’. Input your information including your account number (do not include dashes) and your name EXACTLY as it appears on your water bill. If you have Invoice Cloud saved in your favorites, you will need to clear your cache to access the new website. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office and we will be glad to help with your registration.
How many times have your plans been changed or delayed by sudden loss of water services? It happens! We take for granted that every time we turn on the sink or shower, the water will be there. Hecla is known for its reliable service, but aging infrastructure will sometimes create unplanned outages.
One of Hecla’s most powerful tools is the Swift911 customer notification system. This system allows Hecla to notify customers of an outage when the problem will be fixed and any other important information they may need.
To provide this free notification service to our customers, we need up to date customer information. If you are a Hecla customer, please contact our office with your current address, phone number, and an email address. Hecla will be able to give you better information if an outage occurs.
The Ohio Utilities Protection Service requires contractors and private citizens to call or click on their website 48 hours before digging. All utilities are notified of the digging location. Disregard of this state law causes water outages in some areas. It may also cause damages to be paid by the responsible party.